Browse Items (42 total)

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (c.1599)

Haply the seas and countries differentWith variable objects shall expelThis something-settled matter in his heart,Whereon his brains still beating puts him thusFrom fashion of himself. (3.1.170-74) Analyzed often from a psychoanalytical perspective,…

Do We Exist or Do We Not Exist?: "Haider" versus Hamlet

A critical review of "Haider," a contemporary radical film, as it is an adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, delving primarily into the film's presentation of political unrest in Kashmir, and its use of mise-en-scene and cinematography to both convey…

The Movie's the Thing: Hamlet in the Twenty-First Century

A critical review of the 2000 production ofHamlet, directed byMichael Almereyda.

"Scotland, PA" - MacBeth as McDonalds?

Shakespeare Essay (Take 3).pdf
Is it possible to stage Macbeth, a political tragedy set in 11th century Scotland, as a dark comedy set in a 70’s American burger joint?
But should you?
Maybe not, but the cast and crew of Scotland, PA did it anyway.
Scotland, PA (2001)…

