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Throne of Blood Review

The film, Throne of Blood, also known as but never confirmed by director Akira Kurosawa, as an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, is a well received film. Many critics boast it is the most successful recreation of the play, saying praises such as…

Throne of Blood (Kumonosu-jō, "Spider Web Castle") - dir. Akira Kurosawa, 1957

Set in a period known as gekoku-jo (‘overthrown by underlings’), Throne of Blood is one of the most significant Shakespeare films ever made, despite being more an allusion than a version to Macbeth.Described as a 'mood piece' and 'poetry in motion',…

The Tragedy of Ophelia

May 14, 2011

My soul is sewn to another’s, but no one can ever know –including him. Hamlet tells me this fling between us is only casual, and yet he tells me privately that there has only ever been me. I mean it when I say that everything that…

The Ophelia Diaries

Dear Dairy
My brother Laertes hath just left for England again. I wilt miss him so, but just ere he left he bid me stayeth hence from Hamlet. I feeleth torn in two directions. My brother and father bethink that they dictate mine behavior, but mine…

The Morning After: Desdemona and Othello If They Had Gotten to Consummate Their Marriage

I watched him dress through my half open eyelids. First, he stood up slowly and faced the small window, the early morning sun turned the thin cartilage of his dark ears a bloody, but somehow holy, red. His chocolaty, naked backside was dusted with a…

The American Play

The American Play
Scene 1
Howling winds and blowing snow in the background. Enter Three Russian Operatives wearing suits and ushankas sitting in first class in an airplane.

When shall we three meet below?
In thunder,…