Browse Items (42 total)

Lady in Red

On a rainy Tuesday afternoon at 4:45 PM, Macbeth Alban Fraser III had begun to wonder, as he often did on such days, if he had succeeded in living up to his name. It was an important name, his grandfather had gruffly told him, one passed down from…

I Wish Things Were Different

Otto breathed deeply as Cass entered the bar. He’d had a long day and wanted nothing more than to get home to Dessie, but Cassio had approached him at the office, insisting he have a drink at PJ’s with him and Ian. It was common knowledge Othello…

The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice (c. 1603)

Shakespeare's "lascivious Moor" and "extravagant and wheeling stranger," Othello, is in many respects the embodiment of early modern fears about miscegenation and the erosion of distinctions in an increasingly pluralistic society. The role, first…

The Merchant of Venice (c.1596)

"The trade and profit of the city/ Consisteth of all nations” (3.3.30-31) Venice was arguably the most multicultural city in the world when Shakespeare penned The Merchant of Venice. At the crossroads between East and West, it was a major trading…

Haider Presentation

Slides from Katelyn and Lexi's presentation on Vishal Bhardwaj's Haider (Hamlet).

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (c.1599)

Haply the seas and countries differentWith variable objects shall expelThis something-settled matter in his heart,Whereon his brains still beating puts him thusFrom fashion of himself. (3.1.170-74) Analyzed often from a psychoanalytical perspective,…

