Browse Items (42 total)

Macbeth, the TV crime drama

(The three witches are three detectives, Willow, Wisteria, and Wendy, who are tasked with the case of solving the murder of Duncan. Their primary suspect is his coworker and close acquaintance Mrs. Bethany Macmillan, who takes the place of Macbeth.…

Macbeth - Creative Rewrite

Macbeth Creative Rewrite.pdf
Macbeth – Creative Rewrite
Elizabeth Amoroso
LI – 304 - 02
April 4, 2018
In a small dimly lit room, a man sits at a metal table with a single lamp hanging above his head. The door to the room opens and a figure moves into the room wearing a…

Lady in Red

On a rainy Tuesday afternoon at 4:45 PM, Macbeth Alban Fraser III had begun to wonder, as he often did on such days, if he had succeeded in living up to his name. It was an important name, his grandfather had gruffly told him, one passed down from…

Isango Ensemble's "Midsummer"

The Isango Ensemble’s Production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream was presented at Emerson College in November of 2015 at the Cutler Majestic Theatre. Based in Cape Town, the core of Isango Ensemble was founded in 2000 by artistic director Mark…

I Wish Things Were Different

Otto breathed deeply as Cass entered the bar. He’d had a long day and wanted nothing more than to get home to Dessie, but Cassio had approached him at the office, insisting he have a drink at PJ’s with him and Ian. It was common knowledge Othello…

Horatio's Journal

A pirate ship? I have to rescue him from a pirate ship? I told him not to trust those two doofs. They’re nothing but obnoxious trouble. And why is it always my responsibility to keep him from making dumb decisions? Of course he sends me the letter;…

Haider Presentation

Slides from Katelyn and Lexi's presentation on Vishal Bhardwaj's Haider (Hamlet).

Gertrude and Ophelia: A Creative Rewriting

An Exploration of Gertrude and Ophelia

In my many readings of Shakespeare’s Hamlet, I am often presented with the idea that Gertrude may have played a part in Ophelia’s death. Gertrude is nearly always portrayed as a passive villain, one that has…

Gertrude 1981

My father never wanted me to marry a “man of color” (he used a less sensitive description common to the vocabularies of white fathers of 1947 Kentucky).
“Gertrude. You’re my pretty little lilly, you need to learn to keep the mud off your petals” he…