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Macbeth - Creative Rewrite

Macbeth Creative Rewrite.pdf
Macbeth – Creative Rewrite
Elizabeth Amoroso
LI – 304 - 02
April 4, 2018
In a small dimly lit room, a man sits at a metal table with a single lamp hanging above his head. The door to the room opens and a figure moves into the room wearing a…

The American Play

The American Play
Scene 1
Howling winds and blowing snow in the background. Enter Three Russian Operatives wearing suits and ushankas sitting in first class in an airplane.

When shall we three meet below?
In thunder,…

The Movie's the Thing: Hamlet in the Twenty-First Century

A critical review of the 2000 production ofHamlet, directed byMichael Almereyda.

Pitiful Parenting: Robin Goodfellow's Op-Ed

Pitiful Parenting in A Midsummer Night’s Dream
An Op-Ed by Robin Goodfellow, Resident Sprite

I, Robin Goodfellow, can put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that my knowledge of what happens…

Gertrude 1981

My father never wanted me to marry a “man of color” (he used a less sensitive description common to the vocabularies of white fathers of 1947 Kentucky).
“Gertrude. You’re my pretty little lilly, you need to learn to keep the mud off your petals” he…

Someone is Sleeping in my Pain- a review

Someone is sleeping in my pain review.pdf
A review of the painful adaptation of Macbeth into a lense of narcissism and exoticism


You have a boyfriend, Felipe, whose big fat Greek biceps stretch the sleeves of his white cotton V-neck on Sundays. You meet him behind the parish center because Dad won’t let him past the welcome mat, and with the Holy Mary garden statue and…

Merchant of Venice’s “Foreigner” is an Expectation, not a Person

Western patronization of the East was not labeled as Edward Said’s “orientalism,” when The Merchant of Venice was written; nonetheless, the postcolonial theory has informed modern-day readers how to read writing that poses the mysterious…

Roes Tests the Cultural Limits of the Bard in Someone Is Sleeping In My Pain

It is rather difficult to pick out and elaborate on the one thing that is hindering the film, Someone Is Sleeping In My Pain: An East-West Macbeth (2002), from going bad to worse—there are multiple hiccups that complicate the film and the way it is…