Browse Items (42 total)

The American Play

The American Play
Scene 1
Howling winds and blowing snow in the background. Enter Three Russian Operatives wearing suits and ushankas sitting in first class in an airplane.

When shall we three meet below?
In thunder,…

Macbeth - Creative Rewrite

Macbeth Creative Rewrite.pdf
Macbeth – Creative Rewrite
Elizabeth Amoroso
LI – 304 - 02
April 4, 2018
In a small dimly lit room, a man sits at a metal table with a single lamp hanging above his head. The door to the room opens and a figure moves into the room wearing a…

Throne of Blood Review

The film, Throne of Blood, also known as but never confirmed by director Akira Kurosawa, as an adaptation of Shakespeare’s Macbeth, is a well received film. Many critics boast it is the most successful recreation of the play, saying praises such as…

Do We Exist or Do We Not Exist?: "Haider" versus Hamlet

A critical review of "Haider," a contemporary radical film, as it is an adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, delving primarily into the film's presentation of political unrest in Kashmir, and its use of mise-en-scene and cinematography to both convey…

Macbeth, the TV crime drama

(The three witches are three detectives, Willow, Wisteria, and Wendy, who are tasked with the case of solving the murder of Duncan. Their primary suspect is his coworker and close acquaintance Mrs. Bethany Macmillan, who takes the place of Macbeth.…

Othello Act 3 Scene 3 Rewrite

Othello set in present day in a college setting. Othello, Iago, and Cassio are part of the Alpha Ki Frat while Desdemona and Emilia are roommates. This rewritten scene is based on Act 3 Scene 3 of the play with a social media twist.


Henry V (c. 1599)

Arguably Shakespeare's most patriotic play, Henry Vcenters onthe charismatic yet cunning king, dubbed ‘This star of England’ (Epilogue, line 6), and his campaign in France. It explores issues relating to national identity, the ethics of war, and…

Macbeth aka 'The Scottish Play'

A tragedy of greed, ambition and treachery, but also of Celtic rebellion against imperial England? The Scottishness of the so-called 'Scottish play' has received scant attention, surprisingly, with actors such as Ian McKellen, who famously played the…

Henry V (dir. Kenneth Branagh, 1989)

A gritty, unheroic and heavily-edited version of Shakespeare’s history play that cuts out the comedy, and takes the shimmer off the glory war and imperialism, Kenneth Branagh's Henry V reflects the disenchantment of the post-Vietnam period and the…