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Someone is Sleeping in My Pain: Exposure of Westernization

Someone is Sleeping in My Pain: an East-West Macbeth (referred to henceforth as SSMP), directed by Michael Roes, is an experimental, multilingual adaptation of William Shakespeare’s iconic Scottish tragedy, Macbeth, set in the Middle East.…

Someone is Sleeping in my Pain- a review

Someone is sleeping in my pain review.pdf
A review of the painful adaptation of Macbeth into a lense of narcissism and exoticism

Roes Tests the Cultural Limits of the Bard in Someone Is Sleeping In My Pain

It is rather difficult to pick out and elaborate on the one thing that is hindering the film, Someone Is Sleeping In My Pain: An East-West Macbeth (2002), from going bad to worse—there are multiple hiccups that complicate the film and the way it is…

Pitiful Parenting: Robin Goodfellow's Op-Ed

Pitiful Parenting in A Midsummer Night’s Dream
An Op-Ed by Robin Goodfellow, Resident Sprite

I, Robin Goodfellow, can put a girdle round about the earth in forty minutes. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that my knowledge of what happens…

Othello Act 3 Scene 3 Rewrite

Othello set in present day in a college setting. Othello, Iago, and Cassio are part of the Alpha Ki Frat while Desdemona and Emilia are roommates. This rewritten scene is based on Act 3 Scene 3 of the play with a social media twist.


Merchant of Venice’s “Foreigner” is an Expectation, not a Person

Western patronization of the East was not labeled as Edward Said’s “orientalism,” when The Merchant of Venice was written; nonetheless, the postcolonial theory has informed modern-day readers how to read writing that poses the mysterious…