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  • Collection: Global Shakespeares

Haider Presentation

Slides from Katelyn and Lexi's presentation on Vishal Bhardwaj's Haider (Hamlet).



Isango Ensemble's "Midsummer"

The Isango Ensemble’s Production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream was presented at Emerson College in November of 2015 at the Cutler Majestic Theatre. Based in Cape Town, the core of Isango Ensemble was founded in 2000 by artistic director Mark…

Throne of Blood (Kumonosu-jō, "Spider Web Castle") - dir. Akira Kurosawa, 1957

Set in a period known as gekoku-jo (‘overthrown by underlings’), Throne of Blood is one of the most significant Shakespeare films ever made, despite being more an allusion than a version to Macbeth.Described as a 'mood piece' and 'poetry in motion',…

Henry V (dir. Kenneth Branagh, 1989)

A gritty, unheroic and heavily-edited version of Shakespeare’s history play that cuts out the comedy, and takes the shimmer off the glory war and imperialism, Kenneth Branagh's Henry V reflects the disenchantment of the post-Vietnam period and the…

Do We Exist or Do We Not Exist?: "Haider" versus Hamlet

A critical review of "Haider," a contemporary radical film, as it is an adaptation of Shakespeare's Hamlet, delving primarily into the film's presentation of political unrest in Kashmir, and its use of mise-en-scene and cinematography to both convey…