Macbeth – Creative Rewrite
Elizabeth Amoroso
LI – 304 - 02
April 4, 2018
In a small dimly lit room, a man sits at a metal table with a single lamp hanging above his head. The door to the room opens and a figure moves into the room wearing a…
In response to Sylvia Wynter’s essay “Beyond Miranda’s Meanings: Un/silencing the ‘Demonic Ground’ of Caliban’s ‘Woman’,” this Caribbean-set, postcolonial rewriting of Shakespeare’s The Tempest contemplates the existence of a woman who, like Caliban,…
Dear Dairy
My brother Laertes hath just left for England again. I wilt miss him so, but just ere he left he bid me stayeth hence from Hamlet. I feeleth torn in two directions. My brother and father bethink that they dictate mine behavior, but mine…
The American Play
Scene 1
Howling winds and blowing snow in the background. Enter Three Russian Operatives wearing suits and ushankas sitting in first class in an airplane.
When shall we three meet below?
In thunder,…
Western patronization of the East was not labeled as Edward Said’s “orientalism,” when The Merchant of Venice was written; nonetheless, the postcolonial theory has informed modern-day readers how to read writing that poses the mysterious…